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Goat polo in liberated kabul Horses’ hooves thundered, the crowd roared with excitement and the carcass of a headless goat hit the playing field with a sodden thump.In a spectacle not seen since pre taliban times, the ancient afghan sport of buzkashi returned to kabul on friday. Thousands of avid spectators perched atop mud brick walls, clambered onto truckbeds and stood balanced on bicycle seats to watch two teams of whip wielding horsemen fight a running duel up, down and across a dusty field surrounded by ruined buildings in the center of the afghan capital. “We haven’t seen this game played in more than five years,”Said a grizzled fan, ulam siddiq, ralph lauren outlet who was rooting for the kabul home team. “It’s part of our culture, and we’re very happy to have it back again. ” Buzkashi which means”Goat grabbing”In the dari language widely louis vuitton uk spoken in afghanistan is not a pastime for the faint hearted. Leaving aside any squeamishness about the”Ball”That would be the decapitated goat the game involves no holds barred combat, waged at full gallop, to wrest control of the carcass from the rival team.Gashes and broken bones are common;Spills commonly send riders and horses alike tumbling. ralph lauren online shop Being a spectator at a buzkashi match isn’t all that much safer.Every few minutes, the watching crowds scattered and fled as groups of horsemen plowed wildly into the sidelines, whips clenched in their teeth. The object of the game is to try to snatch the ralph lauren pas cher soldes 150 pound carcass from the center of the field and carry it to the scoring area.Only the most skilled players known as”Chapandaz”Manage to get the goat.And keeping it can be even harder. Traditionally, the game is played at festive christian louboutin shoes times like the start of the new year, or at afghan wedding parties, when matches lasting days would sometimes be staged.Organizers said this match was meant to celebrate the inauguration of afghanistan’s new interim government six days earlier. Like so much else in afghanistan, the sport has particular ethnic associations.Buzkashi is most popular in the north, where it is thought to have originated among turkic mongol peoples, and is primarily played today by uzbeks, turkmen and tajiks. Horses and players alike undergo years of training before they are allowed to take to the field.During taliban rule, the best known players fled into exile in pakistan or were bottled up in the small slice of territory held by the opposition northern alliance. “Our best horses and our best players are not back yet,”Player sayeed ashi said just before the match began, seated astride a chestnut horse with a brightly patterned saddle blanket. “But we’re proud to resume this tradition it’s our national game, and we love it. ” Milling among the spectators friday were dozens of kalashnikov toting northern alliance soldiers, some in camouflage uniforms.They hooted and applauded along with the rest of the crowd and quickly dodged, along with the thers, when a knot of thundering horseflesh headed their way. The two teams one from kabul, the other from the rugged panjshir valley battled to a 9 9 draw, but the crowd enthusiastically applauded the goal scoring of both.Organizers said matches would be held regularly in the capital from now on. While the mood at the buzkashi field was festive and no serious injuries were reported, recent days have seen renewed interest in blood sports long popular in afghanistan and long criticized by international groups.Cock fighting and dog fighting, both banned by the taliban, are once again taking hold in around kabul.

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Goal the same Justin peters has made it a threesome of goalies in the workouts this week at raleigh center ice and is blunt when asked about his expectations for this season. “I coming into camp to make the hockey team,”Peters said today. The canes signed free agent brian boucher after the season and said the veteran goalie would be cam ward backup cheap ralph lauren this season.Ward was in net for 74 games last season, a career high and a busy workload the canes want to lighten. Where does that leave peters, the canes backup cheap louis vuitton bags last season?Apparently headed to the charlotte checkers(Ahl), where he will team with Mike Murphy in net. “This is my sixth professional year with the hurricanes and i coming into camp with the same attitude:Make the team, just like i did last year,”Peters said. ralph lauren online Peters respects boucher and what boucher has done in the nhl.But he said he did not dwell on or fret over boucher signing and what the ramifications would be for him. “That stuff completely out of my control,”He said. “All i can do is ralph lauren soldes focus on myself and come to the rink as a professional, as i always done and will continue to do. Peters, 25, played in just 12 games last season, posting a 3 5 louboutin australia 1 record with a 3.98 goals against average and.875 percentage.That came after a 2009 2010 season in which he was 6 3 0 with a 2.83 GAA and.905 save percentage. Peters was put into some tough positions last year, including a march 4 game in chicago against the surging blackhawks.He allowed five goals in that game as the canes lost. “Obviously i didn get as much playing time as i would have liked,”He said. “You always want to get in net as much as you can but that not the way it worked out. “Last year i definitely learned a lot.It definitely a different role being a backup goalie.Please review the following basic rules that govern your use of the ralph lauren polol.Please note that your use of the ralphlaurenmall.Constitutes your unconditional agreement to follow and be bound by these terms of use.Although you may”Bookmark”A particular portion of this site and thereby bypass this agreement, your use of this site still binds you to these terms of use ralphlaurenmall.Reserves the right to update or modify these terms of use at any time without prior notice to you. Your use of the Site following any such changeConstitutes your unconditional agreement to follow and be bound by these terms of use as changed. Last year, peters did what he was told to do but in situations that cam would have even failed.He was put in after cam had already lost the game but he tried to give the canes a chance.It just hard to get out there a play at a competitive level when you are not given a chance to excel and build your confidence. The signing of boucher was not a surprise to me though.You can tell when mo does not like someone and i feel peter is one of those people.I am not sure why he wouldn but a coach that runs his 1 goalie into exhaustion and then wants a cold backup to jump into the game?It not going to be good too often.Boucher will get more playing time, i bet, because mo likes veterans.Watch and see! Now, as far as peter goes, i would love for him to stay with the canes but, someone sees his potential and i bet he will be snatched up by another team but the beginning of the season.

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