ThermoCycle Library

This is the download page for the core of the ThermoCycle library. The package is included in a zip file that should be uncompressed into the current folder of Dymola, into the library folder of Dymola, or in a folder included in the MODELICAPATH environment variables.
The library contains all the models described on this website, plus several practical examples and test cases.
In order to compute thermophysical properties of fluids, Version 1.0 requires CoolProp2Modelica and Version 2.0 ExternalMedia.

ThermoCycle Releases:

ThermoCycle Library v2.0 December 2014
ThermoCycle Library v1.1 November 2014
ThermoCycle Library v1.0 March 2014


Note that the above link might not correspond the latest version of ThermoCycle, since it is only released at regular intervals. The latest version of the library can be obtained from the Github ThermoCycle page, or using the direct download link: